Monday, May 16, 2011

Never I Repeat Never Wash The Raspberries

Years ago while working in the kitchen of a well known Chicago caterer I was yelled at so severely for attempting to wash the raspberries! I had the raspberries in my hand and was just about to place them under the faucet then a loud voice from across the kitchen screeched. Her message was loud and clear. Never wash the raspberries!

Let's just say I got the point and never forgot this lesson.

Well if you have ever washes raspberries you will see what she meant.  They don't like moisture. If you ever notice them in their packs or at the farmers market. If one is wet it's all over. They all go.

When I do get berries from the farmers market I take them out of their pint containers and get a pyrex or tupperware container and layer them with paper towels between. This will help them last.

Or you could freeze them. If freezing berries lay them flat on a tray and when frozen hard they can be put together and not stick together.

Actually all berries are fragile. I don't wash strawberries or blueberries until I'm going to eat them. Never wash the container and put it back in the frig. The berries won't be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Love this...i never knew! No more berry washing for me! Thanks Laura
