Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring? Not Exactly....

Amy's Lilacs

Well I' m not a fan of people who revolve their life around the weather but being a Midwesterner all my life it is what we do.

Let’s face it we have a right. We have the winters which seem to last forever. Then we look forward to the anticipation of spring like we have never seen it before. And then when it never comes we get crabby.

This spring has been absent. We vacillate from 50 degrees to 90 in a day and then back to 50’s. Oh, and then the rain/storms. We have had our share.

Actually today is a day I am relishing. The rain is torrential. It feels like a scene in out of Africa where I’m in my cabin writing while the rain comes pouring down. A day when I am not inspired to pick up the camera but to reflect and tend to those thoughts in my head and make some sense of things. The perfect time to write. The leaf blowers are off duty, traffic is almost nil. Just the sounds of rain on the porch outside my window.

The dogs are all reserved to the fact that the walk will be post poned. The lab is hiding due to fear of thunder and anything resembling a storm. The puggle is curled on my son Michael's bed amidst camouflage sheets and matching comforter. The malinois is lying upside down on the leather couch in the living room where he stands or lays guard.

The kids safely in their classrooms for their last few days of the school year until summer vacation.

These beautiful lilacs come right after the yellow forsythia. These are from my neighbor Amy's tree that is between our houses. Every year we look forward to the smell out our kitchen windows. I cut a few too and I know she does not mind. She actually facebooked me yesterday asking me if I was enjoying their smell. Yes indeed I was!

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